Monday, June 30, 2008

A picnic with Olivia at "her" park

I haven't updated for a while, so the next few posts will be what we have been up to for the past week or two! About a week ago, we had a night with just Olivia. So Woody and I took her to the City Park, which as some of you know, is "Olivia's" park. Everytime we drive by she says "there's my park mom!" It was kind of a last minute thing, so we picked up McDonald's and ate it at the park and then played for a while (until we were practically getting eaten by the bugs!?).

Here we are at the table eating our yummy picnic dinner! Olivia Rose:)

Riding on the teeter totter with mom (trust me, she looks cuter on this thing than me) Racing daddy to the top of the hill
Playing and writing her name in the sand


Mary said...

Looks like so much fun! I laughed out loud about your cooment regarding the teeter-totter =)

Mamie said...

That looks like fun. That picture of Olivia is so pretty...just like all her pictures.

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

I echo Mamie...Olivia's picture is beautiful.