Monday, June 30, 2008

Daddy's liitle (naked) helper!?

While we were setting up our tent yesterday, Paige had to go potty, so she took off her undies and shorts and squated down in the grass and went pee! She proceeded to run around with just her t-shirt on, but eventually that came off too!? She was playing in the pool (with all the bugs and rain water...whatever keeps her busy, right?! eewww!) and running around the tent, so she joined Woody in the tent to relax:) (I'm pretty sure she doesn't even know how to relax, but she did it long enough for a picture!) Our tent:) I can't wait to use it this weekend!
Paigey in the nasty pool water (look closely in front of her and you can see all the dead water bugs at the bottom of the obviously did not bother her one bit!!?)


Barbara said...

Man, that was a long, long time ago that I was ever that carefree! She sure is a little cutie!

Rachel said...

Love it!!

and mom do you think you were REALLY ever that carefree with your nudity?

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

That looks like it's going to so fun!