A couple of weekends ago, we celebrated my Grandpa Delton's 80th birthday (which is actually today!). What a huge milestone! It was a very hot day summer day, but we had a lot of fun. My aunt and uncle had the party at their house - their backyard is amazing! The girls were able to get plenty of "uncle" time (they LOVE my dad's brother's) and they played soccer in their dresses too!
My grandpa is such a wonderful, amazing man! He and my grandma raised three incredible boys/men, who each had one daughter and now we are all married (or are getting married) to three amazing men who are brothers. We all have so much fun together! My grandpa is a very strong man and has always been very handy. He taught all three of his boys to fix and build things themselves. I used to tell my dad he's like his dad and would call them "McGeyvor". Grandpa used to do lots of projects and have his boys help him, but in the last few years, he hasn't been able to do too much and the boys help him out a lot! That's okay, gramps! I think after you hit 75, it's okay to do that!
One thing that I will never forget (and I wish we had a picture to post) was when Woody and I were first married, Mark and Barb gave us a rocking chair and a LazyBoy recliner. We brought a truck out to Olivia and loaded it up. We didn't have anything to cover the furniture because it was starting to rain. So my uncle found some blankets and duct tape and wrapped the furniture in it! You could barely see the blankets, because they used SO much duct tape:) The last thing my grandpa said to us before we left was, "thank God your dad won't be seeing this!" Well, we were almost home (to our apartment in Eagan) and all of a sudden we hear a honk...I look over and there's my dad waving at us!!? He was laughing SOOO hard. He followed us to our apartment to help us unload and ask what the heck was happening in the back of the truck!? He said "that's got grandpa Delton written ALL over it"!
Here are some pictures from the party... Grandpa Delton sitting in the shade enjoying his family (and a beer!)
My dad, Dave, Mark, grandma and grandpa
Me, Pat, Barb, Lindsey and Abby chattin' about wedding stuff, I'm sure
The girls heading in the house to cool off!
Paigey giving me attitude (all I wanted was one cute pic of the two of them!)
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11 years ago
What a nice post! I love the pic of the girls holding hands heading inside.
I love it. Your grandpa is such a nice man. Richie always loves talking to him. Looks like a good time!
that's sweet. the girls dresses are so cute...and why to kids act like taking a picture is torture sometimes?
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