Saturday, May 24, 2008

Poor Paigey...again!

Paige is not the most graceful little girl. She has had three spills in the driveway in the last 24 hours!? Yesterday she tripped on the sidewalk and skinned her knee. It was bleeding, but all she wanted was her Dora & blankie! This morning she fell on all fours and re-scraped her knee from yesterday, plus the other one & her hands too! THEN she was running for the garage & fell face first on the cement. I didn't see her do it, but Olivia said "mommy, Paige fell again". I couldn't hear anything, but it's because she had lost her breath she was crying so hard & when I saw her her mouth was all bloody! Kinda scary, but we got her some ice & a wet cloth & within five minutes she was following Woody around again in the yard! I tried to capture her big fat lip in these pictures, but it's kind of hard to tell.
Still smiling thru her tears:) what a trooper! It really hurts, mom!
And she's off running again!
Showing off her owies


Purty Pat said...

Poor little Paige. That's too bad. But she really is a little trooper like you say!

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

That's so sad! Gavin is the same way, he falls and falls but keeps right on going!

Bridgit said...

Isn't it amazing how resilient they are???? Poor thing! She still looks adorable in all those pictures though!

Mamie said...

Poor Paigey, but still so cute!

Mary said...

Poor little Paigie! She looks so sweet though.