Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Exhaustion...will it ever end?

At what point do kids sleep past 6 am? For about the past month or so, BOTH my kids have been getting up, FOR THE DAY, between 5:30 and 6 AM!!?? Then they go, go, go all day until 8 or 9 at night and THEN they occassionally (three to four nights a week) get up in the middle of the night!! I am SO exhausted and have very little energy by the end of the day, actually by about 1 or 2 pm!

Also, Paige seems to be trying to give up her nap already!!?? Not happening...NO way! But it has been taking me almost two hours to get her to sleep! So Woody gave me some brilliant advice..."just let her stay up all day and put her to bed at 7 pm". Easy for him to say when he's at work all day and doesn't have to deal with a non-stop, crazy two year old, who likes to fight with her sister ALL day long!!!???? Not such a brilliant idea after all...


Mamie said...

I'm tired just reading that. I don't think there's any calming that Paigey down.

Mary said...

I feel for ya Jen. Whenever you need a break, you know you always have us! I wish I could have just an ounce of Paigie's energy! I can't imagine waking up with energy??? What the heck is that?!