I have been trying for a long time now to get Olivia to wear pigtails in her hair. Paigey's hair has always been too short, but has grown quite a bit lately. SO my mom and dad were at our house this weekend and managed to get pigtails in BOTH girls' hair. I was able to put them in yesterday, but it was a no-go today:( I think they look SO cute!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Me & my girls:)
Posted by Jen gurl at 1:44 PM 5 comments
Princesses...don't they need their beauty rest?
Not mine:) The girls were up at 5:40 and 6:10 this AM and by 7:30 had decided to play dress-up!? Don't you worry, by 8 they were wearing matching t-shirts from grandma buddy! It's now 3 pm and Olivia is on her 7th outfit of the day!!?? Apparently I was just like this when I was her age, so it's payback time now! (sorry mom...I REALLY mean it!)
Cinderella and Belle Not sure why Cinderella has a see-through tutu on?
This is Cinderella on drugs...
Cinderella as a mommy, wearing a crop top!?
Thank you grandma!
Posted by Jen gurl at 1:28 PM 3 comments
Snow angels
Olivia and Paige ready to hit the snow!Woody and the girls and Frosty:)
Making snow angels
Paigey fell and was struggling to get up
Posted by Jen gurl at 12:58 PM 0 comments
Sweet somethings...
A few weeks ago, my father-in-law's best friend, Steve Ostby (better know to us as Oz), passed away. The girls knew him well enough to know that he was sick before he died, both Olivia and Paige would say "poor Oz, he's so sick". Well, when he passed away, we told Olivia, because we thought she was old enough to understand and we could explain this to her. Paige still thinks Oz is sick (in fact, she just said it again today). But then Olivia chimes in and says "no, Oz is in heaven, Paige. Mommy and daddy went to his future (funeral)".
So yesterday, Olivia was sitting on the stairs, watching herself in the mirror, talking on her Blackberry (given to her by her daddy...all 4 year olds should have one, right?) and she says "Oz? Oh hi (with a giggle), isn't heaven wonderful?" It was one of those sweet moments I won't forget!
Posted by Jen gurl at 12:27 PM 2 comments
Friday, February 15, 2008
Family Friday night fun!
Olivia and I making homemade pizza - she puts the pepperoni & cheese on
Paigey wanting to join us (I have NO idea why she took her jammies off!?)
The girls with their daddy...
Giving him some kisses:)
Posted by Jen gurl at 8:14 PM 3 comments
Valentine's Day...
The kids eating lunch...
Olivia eating her heart-shaped PB&J...
Paigey giving me her cheesey smile:)
The kids getting ready for lunch.
Posted by Jen gurl at 8:02 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Jammie time:)
Someone wasn't too happy, because SHE wanted to take the picture!?
I told her to show off her new jammies for grandma, then I got a smile:)
It's now 7:25 pm and the girls have been in bed since 7. Olivia is out, but I have a feeling Paige is still singing to herself. I'm sure they will be up early, so I'm going to relax for a while and go to bed early!
Posted by Jen gurl at 5:18 PM 0 comments
Exhaustion...will it ever end?
At what point do kids sleep past 6 am? For about the past month or so, BOTH my kids have been getting up, FOR THE DAY, between 5:30 and 6 AM!!?? Then they go, go, go all day until 8 or 9 at night and THEN they occassionally (three to four nights a week) get up in the middle of the night!! I am SO exhausted and have very little energy by the end of the day, actually by about 1 or 2 pm!
Also, Paige seems to be trying to give up her nap already!!?? Not happening...NO way! But it has been taking me almost two hours to get her to sleep! So Woody gave me some brilliant advice..."just let her stay up all day and put her to bed at 7 pm". Easy for him to say when he's at work all day and doesn't have to deal with a non-stop, crazy two year old, who likes to fight with her sister ALL day long!!!???? Not such a brilliant idea after all...
Posted by Jen gurl at 6:43 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Repeat after me...(literally)
Ever since Olivia started preschool, she has been learning SO many new things! She doesn't tell me about them when I ask her "what did you learn today OR what did you do today?" It comes out later...like during prayers or while she's playing. One thing she has learned is the repeat-after-me prayer. So at lunch yesterday, she had Paige repeating her. Paige decided after a couple of times to stop, so Olivia turned to her and said "work with me gurl...I want to finish my prayer". I about fell over!! I say "work with me gurl" every once in a while to the girls. I didn't think it would come out in a prayer, of all places!!
Posted by Jen gurl at 5:41 AM 1 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
Some cute and classic Paigey moments...
Running away from me at bath time...
Wearing Abby's boots...
The Christmas "striptease"
Hugging mommy:)
Posted by Jen gurl at 8:37 PM 1 comments
Here we go!
I have been reading my friends blogs now for over two years and NEVER thought I would create one of my own. Well, never say never! I thought it would be fun for my friends and family to keep up with us. I will probably post more pictures than anything, but who knows!?
Posted by Jen gurl at 6:40 AM 0 comments