Friday, April 24, 2009

My little girl is not so little anymore=(

Olivia just discovered a loose tooth yesterday & today she pulled it out! She was SO excited! Unfortunately we were not with her when it happened...she spent the night at grandma Glines last night & she was in her car with Mary (sitting in the Target parking lot) where she wiggled it right out!? It makes me sad, because she's getting SO grown up WAY TOO FAST!!
Oh yeah, and she's getting 3 out of 4 of her six year molars in!!?? I never even knew these existed, until she said that she felt something in the back of her mouth & I looked and found teeth coming in!?!? Permanent teeth are coming in & baby ones are falling out=(


Barbara said...

Oh my gosh -thats a really big deal when they start loosing their baby teeth! She looks quite proud of her self as she should be!

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

she looks so cute!