Monday, September 15, 2008

First day of preschool...again

Today was Olivia's first day of preschool at the Becker primary school. She was in preschool last year at Kids of the Kingdom. She really loved her teacher and the five kids in her class! It was a perfect way for her to start out in school. For those of you who don't know, Olivia is very shy and it takes her a while to warm up to people or surroundings she is not familiar with. However, I was completely amazed this morning when I dropped her off...she found her cubbie & put her name tag on and walked right over to the playdoh table, sat down next to three other kids & started playing!? I was happy she felt so comfortable:) So instead of her crying as I was leaving, I was crying as I was leaving!? My baby is SO grown up!

Miss Olivia Rose
Giving me a little "sashey"...actually, she has my purse on her right shoulder & it's a bit heavy:) Walking into school with her BIG backpack!? I'm afraid if it's filled with too much stuff, she may tip over!?

In her classroom with her apple name tag on:)


Barbara said...

Those are precious pictures!