Olivia and her ball...so proud:)Listening to her coach
Had to get a shot of her shin guards
Getting ready to kick the ball to her partner
Sleeping at 7:15 pm (with her empty snack cup next to her)
Olivia did pretty good her first night at soccer. She listened well and did some good kicking! She was kinda quiet and at one of the water breaks I asked her what was wrong and she said "I'm tired". It was hot and there wasn't much breeze and NO shade! We left there pretty hot and sweaty...Olivia with rosey red cheeks and mom with a black eye! No, I didn't get in a fight on the sidelines (wouldn't that have been funny on the first night?!). Paige was throwing a tantrum in the car as we were leaving (she didn't want me to buckle her in and we were running late). She was so mad, she decided to chuck her cell phone at me! It hit me right in the eye! I don't think I have cried (sobbed) that hard in a very long time...it hurt bad! As I was driving by my friends house (crying still), she rescued me and took Paige for an hour...so I could pull myself together and be the soccer mom I needed to be for Olivia:)
PS Thank you, M, for the Lightning McQueen ice pack:) I need to get me one of those!!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
First day of soccer
Posted by Jen gurl at 8:34 AM 7 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Random pics from the last couple of weeks...
After a long day of swimming & playing and not taking a nap, this is what I found at 6:30 pm on Friday night...Paigey passed out at the end of her bed About an hour later, I found this on the living room floor...
Olivia caught a baby frog (or toad, not sure what the difference is?) and put it in her bug cage. The day before she had a grasshopper in it!
Me and some friends at the Cheesecake Factory for my birthday (we also did some shopping at Southdale Mall...one of my favorites!)

Putter and Lindsey (my bro-in-law and my youngest cousin) the day after they got engaged:)

Olivia waiting for her nails and toenails to dry...she must find it very relaxing, because this is the third time this has happened!?

Posted by Jen gurl at 10:22 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Our 4th of July tradition
This is our third year going camping with our friends Frank & Shelly and their kids Frankie & Tia. We go to the KOA in Cloquet, MN. It is always so much fun and relaxing! The kids just LOVE it! Their favorite part of the weekend was swimming in the pool (sorry, I don't have any pictures).
This is our campsite (Frank & Shelly's was right next to ours, so we shared the fire pit) Here's the kids watching a movie after dinner
The hayride on Saturday night (the kids were SO exhausted at this point)
The whole crew...waiting for the hayride
The kiddos playing at the playground (which was right by our campsite!)
Posted by Jen gurl at 6:11 AM 4 comments