little magnets all over the floor
A raggy looking kid, who needs her hair brushed bad!!
Blessed is the woman who walks with God, living her faith with love, strength & honor, humbly asking the Lord to guide her way each day!
Posted by Jen gurl at 2:18 PM 5 comments
Easter was pretty low key this year. My mom, dad & grandma came on Saturday night. We went to two separate services on Sunday, because Paige was sick. But the girls still wanted to wear their "fancy dresses", so here are a few pictures...
Paige ironing her new shorts from grandma and grandpa
Posted by Jen gurl at 2:00 PM 3 comments
While the girls were having their snack this morning, I decided to sneek upstairs and paint my nails. Well, Paige came and found me and threw a FIT because she wanted her nails and toes painted...Olivia heard her and came running. So I had to remove my polish, because they insisted that we all wear the same color and they chose brown!? So Paige took off her footie jammies and was in her undies & well, you guessed it, Olivia HAD to match her!!? So as I sit here typing, my nails are NOT brown, yet, but the girls nails are done! (I don't think I'll sit in my undies and paint them!?) So, here they are:
Showing off!Sitting "still" (not sure if you can see the brown spots on Paige's leg, but she doesn't know HOW to be still!)
They thought they were being cute and showing off their toes at lunch, so I took the picture, but then told them it's rude to have your feet on the table!! eeewwww!
Posted by Jen gurl at 10:38 AM 4 comments
Naps are wonderful:) I LOVE them! As far back as I can remember, I always took a nap on Sunday afternoon. To this day, I still take a nap on Sunday's. Literally, at 1 pm my body would just shut down and I could barely keep my eyes open!? So now that I have kids, every other day seems like a Sunday. I enjoy that down time, which for the past year and a half is still spent with Olivia either playing by herself or cuddling with me on the couch while I sleep:)
This week has been tough. Paigey, who is almost 2 1/2, has decided to give up her nap!!!??? I'm not sure if it's because she got rid of her pacifier (and also pretty much potty trained herself!?), but all of this at once is a bit much for mommy to handle!! I feel like she is such a big girl all of a sudden! I even took the rocking chair out of her room and told her she needs to go to bed like a big girl now! She still wants me to hold her and cuddle for a few minutes before bed, which is nice (except that she's getting bigger, heavier & insists on having her blankie, Dora AND a big fleece blanket to cover her up!). She's not a baby anymore and that makes me kinda sad:(
Posted by Jen gurl at 1:37 PM 4 comments
Here are a few pictures from last weekend (when I was gone)...
Paige putting her jammies on over her clothes!?
Olivia wearing Paige's jumper
Olivia wearing my swimsuit top! (and a naked Paige behind her on the steps)
The girls cuddling in Olivia's bed at bedtime (also, Paige's last night with her paci!)
Posted by Jen gurl at 10:52 AM 4 comments